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  • Writer's pictureRichard Menard

Keep your concrete looking new using a fresh coat of sealer

Updated: Jan 28, 2020

Over the years I've noticed a lot of concrete spalding and cracking. There are so many reasons why this can happen. A lot of home owners use ice melt to get rid of the ice that may be causing a hazard either on the driveway or sidewalk. When we use ice melt, it causes a chemical reaction with the concrete and you get what we call spalding. This spalding can end up costing you up to $10,000 if you ever had to replace it.

Some of the easiest ways to combat this issue is to make sure you wash the driveway every spring time using either a pressure washer or fine point hose nozzle for 30 min. Once this is completed, you should let it dry for up to 24 hours and seal with a concrete sealer that will protect the surface from corrosion, and staining. The sealer itself blocks the pores in the concrete to reduce absorption of the water and salts or from impermeable layer which prevents such materials from passing.

Our company offers this service if you would like a quote, please just call us for a free estimate.

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